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Enroll Yourself in Autumn IntroSems with Space Available

IntroSems with Space Available open for self-enrollment in SimpleEnroll the afternoon of September 18th when new students can start to enroll in their other fall classes. Frosh, Sophomores, and New Transfers have priority for open spaces; upper class students should check back after Sept. 18.

All applicants who were admitted to Autumn IntroSems were enrolled by Sept. 16th provided they had space for the seminar units on their study lists and no enrollment holds (excluding New Student Advisement hold).

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HISTORY 44Q: Gendered Innovations in Science, Medicine, Engineering, and Environment

Application Deadline: November 4. Cross listed: FEMGEN 44Q.

Frosh should not apply for Sophomore WRITE-2 IntroSems like this because Sophomores receive priority for all seats in this class.

Sophomores & eligible New Transfer Students, please note: If Winter is your PWR2 quarter, you still must submit your 7 PWR2 preferences at; applying for this seminar in the IntroSems' VCA does not negate that step. If you are admitted for this WRITE-2 seminar, the course will be added to your study list. This IntroSem will be considered your first choice PWR2 and with admission to the seminar, you will lose all other PWR2 section preferences.

Course Description

Gendered Innovations harness the creative power of sex, gender, and intersectional analysis for innovation and discovery. We focus on sex and gender, and consider factors intersecting with sex and gender, including age, race/ethnicity, socioeconomic status, educational background, disabilities, etc. We start with the history of gender in science in the scientific revolution to understand how to transform research institutions so that women, men, and non-binary individuals can flourish. The majority of the course is devoted to considering gendered innovations in AI, social robotics, health & medicine, design of cars and cockpits, menstrual products, marine science, and more.

Each student will develop a case study related to their interests illustrating how sex, gender, and/or intersectional analysis can lead to innovation and enhance social equity. Our weekly format includes critical reading of cutting-edge work in the field. Students should come ready to discuss and enjoy an open exchange of ideas. Key questions for the class will include—

  • How can we develop public health measures, products, services, and infrastructures work well for people across all of society?
  • How can we create science and technology that nurture a just, equitable, and verdant society? 

This course will emphasize writing skills as well as oral and multimedia presentation; it fulfills the second level Writing and Rhetoric Requirement (WRITE 2), WAY-EDP, and WAY-SI.

Meet the Instructor: Londa Schiebinger

Londa Schiebinger

"I hope you will be as excited by Gendered Innovations as I am. I have had excellent students over the years. Two won writing prizes; two have done start-ups; many stay in touch. I lecture on Gendered Innovations all around the world—today I was in Pamplona, Spain, next week in Paris and Seoul, next month in Buenos Aires and Pretoria—mostly virtually which saves time and dramatically reduces carbon. I often work as an expert for the European Commission (the major funding agency in Europe), consult for the Japan Science Council, and hold design workshops for Vinnova, the Swedish Innovation Agency. I also work with peer-reviewed journals and universities to develop infrastructures that promote equity and innovation. I love research and putting ideas into action. Some of my books include: The Mind Has No Sex?; Nature's Body; Has Feminism Changed Science?; Plants and Empire: Colonial Bioprospecting in the Atlantic World. For more information, visit:"



Cross-listed Department(s): Feminist, Gender and Sexuality Studies

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