Seminars by Interest: What secrets are in our bodies?
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COMPMED 155Q: Microscopy in Animal Disease
Application Deadline: February 10 -
BIO 2N: Ecology and Evolution of Infectious Disease in a Changing World
Application Deadline: February 10 -
PSYC 10Q: Unlocking the Mind: An Overview of Modern Psychotherapy Approaches
Application Deadline: August 26 -
ANES 74Q: Mending a Broken Heart: The Anatomy, Physiology, and Psychology of Congenital Heart Disease
Application Deadline: November 4 -
OBGYN 82Q: Demystifying Pregnancy: Physiology, Policy and Politics
Application Deadline: August 26 -
PSYC 13Q: Connections between the sleep and awake worlds
Application Deadline: February 10 -
NENS 67N: Intracellular Trafficking and Neurodegeneration
Application Deadline: November 4 -
SURG 52Q: Becoming whatever you want to be: lessons learned from a stem cell
Application Deadline: November 4. This course is expected to experience high student demand. -
PSYC 54N: Genes, Memes and Behavior
Application Deadline: August 26