Comparative Literature
COMPLIT 37Q: Zionism and the Novel
Application Deadline: August 26/Autumn & November 4/Winter. Cross-listed: JEWISHST 37Q.
October 13, 2025
COMPLIT 55N: Black Panther, Hamilton, Díaz, and Other Wondrous Lives
Application Deadline: August 26. Cross-listed: CSRE 55N
October 12, 2025
COMPLIT 10N: Shakespeare and Performance in a Global Context
Application Deadline: February 10
May 13, 2025
COMPLIT 21Q: Wilde’s Worlds: Oscar Wilde in the International Context
Application Deadline: February 10
May 12, 2025
COMPLIT 111Q: Texts and Contexts: Spanish/English Literary Translation Workshop
Cross-listed: DLCL 111Q, ILAC 111Q
COMPLIT 77N: Ink and Resistance: Unraveling Latin American Narratives
Cross-listed: ILAC 77N, CHILATST 77N